The Wisdom Prayer


Dear LORD,

Thank you for your grace and mercy that is ever so abundant for those who are called unto you. Today, my heart yearns for knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Every day I am alive, there seems to be something that challenges what I know, what I believe and even what I value.

In my circumstances today my FATHER, I remember the words of your servant David, in Psalms 90:12 that says, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”. It is amazing how wisdom is for the heart. The heart which you have told us to guard above all else, for it determines the course of our life.

Like Daniel, I know you have chosen me for a purpose and thus I am equipped to do the work. Perfect no, but willing vessel, open to learning, obedient and humble, is how I am setting myself up before you.

I am in a sea that is full of crafty people, people who believe that the race is to the swift, the battle to the strong, the bread to the wise, riches to the intelligent, and favour to those with knowledge. I know and believe differently – the daily success in the assignments you have given me lies in knowing you; walking in reverence and humility before you, acknowledging you in all my undertakings.

Here and now I choose to trust you, LORD, with all my heart, I consciously remove my dependence on my simple human-level understanding. I acknowledge YOU and give YOU your rightful place which is first – the place of leadership, that YOU may make my paths straight.

As Proverbs 2:6 states, “You O LORD give wisdom; from your mouth come knowledge and understanding. I shut my heart and ears to the wisdom and chaos of the world, the opinions and voices of dissension and alternatives that rise to a deafening of your voice when you speak to my heart.

My heart, the reverence and awe of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, attune yourself to the soft voice of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD that guides and does not mislead. Remember, it takes wisdom to build a house, and understanding to set it on a firm foundation; It takes knowledge to furnish its rooms
with priceless treasures
. Anchor yourself in the truth of the word of GOD because in this word is truth – our LORD JESUS CHRIST. He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.

I confess that my life is hidden in CHRIST, in GOD and for that everything I pursue, must be aligned to the will of GOD for me. Teach me O LORD to number my days, to know the times and seasons that I am in, that I may gain a heart of wisdom that will guide me on how to go about the ups and downs that characterise my life; to know who is in my life as an appointed destiny helper and who’s destiny helper I am. Teach me to recognize the doors you are opening for me to be a blessing to others and to call them to you. For ultimately, that is the agenda… that none may be lost.

My heart is open to you LORD… come and have your way.

In JESUS’ name I pray. AMEN.

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